Wednesday, April 29, 2009

High Springs to Palatka, FL

Today's ride was pretty none eventful. Nancy and rode together but as the day progress we picked up other riders. By the time we finished we had Mary Jo, Donna, Peggy, Nancy, Janet B and Marni. It was a nice little group.

For the first 40 miles we rode through some beautiful back road areas. Then at mile 41 we got onto State Road 100 for the rest of the day. The road had a shoulder but there was a lot of debris on it. As the day went on it really warmed up but we had a headwind that actually helped cool us. Never thought I would appreciate a headwind.

Tonight was our last meal cooked by chief Linda. We had salmon, mashed potatoes and spinach salad. There was also fruit (sent by Marni's husband for their 36 anniversary), a cake brought by Peggy's cousin and chocolate macadamia nuts brought by Sherry's friend. Great.

On the way back to my room I spilled red wind on the white shirt I have used the whole trip. Yuck.

Robin, Liz and Susan

Elisabeth and Peggy

Donna and Mary Jo

Want to see a gator?

Welcome to Palatka

Bridge over the St. John River

Billboard showing a view of the bridge.

Captain Carol doing KP.


AnnieBikes said...

Congratulations for making it across the country AND across the bridge. There is one last bridge tomorrow, the Bridge of Lions in St. Augustine. It will be a piece of cake, especially if you are singing about drinking beers!!! ;-)

I have enjoyed your blog immensely. Thanks for sharing your trip with me!

Bridget said...

Woah, did you go over that bridge? Enjoy your last day of riding. I am so impressed by your accomplishment. I hope you feel very proud of yourself as well. You are so ready for Ventoux '10!

Angela said...

Did you go over that bridge or just by it? I can't believe tomorrow is your last day. I am so proud of you! Great job!

Fe-lady said...

More wine! White is supposed to get the red out....
Thanks for pix! You must be getting really close now! What a journey you have had!

Anonymous said...

I worked with a guy in Florida who grew up in Palatka! Can't wait to see you!